The samurai ducks were a direct lets call it an homage of TMNT.
Since grade school I have made quite a few homages myself. Still basically inspired by TMNT the Bushin Ducks are three different characters trained by the same sensei at different times in his life. Each duck is a master in a different skill set.
MAI the female, is a ninjitsu master. She could be right beside you and you wouldnt know it until it was too late. The big guy is KENSHIRO. Named after my favorite Fist of the NorthStar character, he is what is known as a hard master. This means his body has been trained to have a certain level of invulverability. MAL, the short tempered one, is the blade master. If its sharp, he can use it as a weapon. The story is pretty simple. Set in the future, the ducks encounter each other, travel together and try to find the commonalities in what thier sensei taught each one of them. Along the way the find a few scraps to get into...
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