Saturday, November 9, 2013


This graphic novel is a story of humor, love, greed, martial arts and the realization that animals can talk and live adventurous lives that we know nothing about.  Farmer Gunns (pictured right) owns a nature preserve where all kindsa shenanigans take place and center around Mal the mallard. Mal, a small mallard who risks life and limb to try to impress the big bully older brother of a female duck he wants to make his girlfriend.


  1. These colors came out great!!!! im gonna paint everything now!!!

  2. Farmer Gunns, HILL-arious. Yes, the colors came out great. I like the abstract woody background, too. The composition is also very interesting. Looks like a edgy version of the Farmer in the Dell.

  3. Thanks, I did a buncha illustrations when I was workin on this title. Im just getting around to painting them. Eventually, I will have this big pile of DUCK! painting prints to sell.
